How do I get tattooed by Liz?

To start the process please fill out the “Appointment” form on Please be very thorough when describing ideas, placement and size.

What happens after I submit my idea?

My assistant helps me with emails and will reply as soon as we have had a chance to go over your ideas.  Concepts that are pulled from my list of ideas are the easiest to reply to fast. After those, we usually hit the ideas that are super inspiring with the most freedom once we’ve had a chance to do some additional research for your project if required. So please message us if you haven’t heard from us in 3 weeks, especially if it’s around the time of a convention!

Will I have an in person consultation with Liz prior to my appointment?

I prefer to get as much info as possible via email, however I do understand that may be difficult for some clients and some ideas. Please keep in mind that if we do set up an in person consultation, we have to keep it to about half an hour so please come prepared.

Is there a way to increase my chances of getting tattooed by Liz?

I love tattooing hyper-realism and hyper-realistic portraits! I’m also currently into Geo Roses, Computer Animated 3D and AI Generated 3D Forms and concepts.

If you’re not sure what you want, sometimes it helps to make a list of several ideas you like or save lots of pictures of things you like and submit them as inspiration and let me pick the one that sparks my interest the most.

In order to continue the growth & evolution of my art, I’m always looking for concepts that spark immediate interest and inspiration!

What if Liz doesn’t take on my project?

If the project isn’t right for me at that moment, or I think that someone else at Rebel Muse Tattoo would be a better match, a referral will be emailed.

How much does Liz charge?

Prices vary depending on the project.  Most projects I’m interested in are usually several sessions but every now and then they may require only 1 or 2 sessions.  I do prefer clients to be able to come in monthly if your project requires multiple sessions but I know life happens too! To be fair though, if you’re able to come in once every 2 months, I guarantee that I will never raise your price while your project is being completed. If you wait 4 years in between to finish a piece though…I can’t guarantee that price anymore.

Currently my rate is $2000 for a day session of about 5-6 hours.

How much of a deposit does Liz require?

Deposit is a “rolling” $2000 (single day rate).

Deposits are nonrefundable & non-transferable to other artists and will prepay for the last session of your project.

What does Liz not like to tattoo?

I currently am not taking on any traditional Japanese, Traditional American, Lettering/Script, Tribal/Polynesian, Bio-mechanical, Neo-Traditional, New School, Flat Illustrative styles. I am also no longer tattooing Pinups. As far as location on the body, I am no longer tattooing chest or rib panels (I have a herniated disk in my back!)

Where is Liz located?

Rebel Muse Tattoo, Lewisville TX

What if I don’t like the design?

I do a lot of research for every project that isn’t a straight up portrait so please, please, please be thorough with your email concept or in person consultation. If you forget a major design detail or change your design, your deposit will be forfeited! I really don’t want to do that so please be thorough. If it’s something little you don’t like, I can change it on the spot…no biggy.

How far out does Liz book?

Roughly 6 months

Additional Information:

Drawings and designs will be completed for the day of your appointment and will not be available for viewing before scheduled date. I have a crazy schedule that just doesn’t allow for earlier designs. Also, I sometimes change my mind on a design right before your session. Oh that fickle muse!

Let us know if you have anymore questions!